Not prompted to complete CDD on Uphold - how to access that if not prompted?

Via the notice for verified Uphold users who have yet to recieve December’s payout, I logged out of Uphold, logged back in and am not prompted to complete their CDD. Where can I access these questions if I’m not prompted. I thought I previously completed that but I’ll try anything to get the payout completed. Thanks.

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Have you tried the new UI, can be accessed here -

Today I have completed CDD on uphold by using new UI.

I Haven’t received my payment this month of one verified uphold account. I am from India (non eu region). About 2 bat payment has not been received till now.

1.) Brave 1.33.106 Chromium: 96.0.4664.110 (Official Build) (64-bit)

OS Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Build 7600)

Wallet payment ID: 5ec9e38b-5d13-4ce7-b878-89e1bc298f43

So Please transfer bats of this month as soon as possible.

Thanks for the reply, Steeven - yes, I use the new UI. I’ve used it since they updated it. Still no resolution.

I want to ask you something?

I too have not received my BAT. Located in the USA Uphold verified, and have been using the new UI since I signed up. I have not received a prompt for CDD as far as i know.


Any update on if you received it?
Manual resending of stuck payments should be coming out to everyone over the coming days.

Still no Jan payment, but my ads have started working again. After DMing Steeven with the requested info, he found the account was flagged, so removed the flag, ads started again and hopefully the payment will show up soon - we’ll see.

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