I’m not getting my brave reward even after 14 reffral confirmed… Please let me know what will o do…
Brave please check my account… I’m not getting bat…
Hello @Rishabhdinkar, how are your case going on? Have you recieved your lost tokens already? Regards.
No sir…
I didn’t receive yet!
Please do something and help me !
Thanks & regards
Rishabh dinkar
Thank you for your response, I’m waiting for solution too, I thought you recieved lost tokens. I’m sure they fix out this soon. Please write here if you would notice any changes. Best Regards.
Thanks for your response, but I’m too confused what will i do and how can i contact developer to request them to send my tokens please help me !
Thanks & Regards
Rishabh dinkar
I think we should wait, they know this issue and they are working on fix it, please follow this topic below:
Thank you so much… For your support and your response…
I’m waiting here for my reward
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