Not able to open incognto mode by right clicking icon in taskbar

Not able to open brave browser in incognito from taskbar icon

Incognito window doesn’t open
Right Clicking brave icon in taskbar

  1. Windows version - Windows 10 Pro N
  2. OS Build - 19044.1415
  3. Feaure Experience Pack - 120.2212.3920.0
  4. Brave Version - V1.34.80 (Jan 6, 2022)

Should open incognito window

Brave Version - V1.34.80 (Jan 6, 2022)

Browser doesn’t open after clicking on icon in the taskbar in windoes desktop. I checked and googled for the solution but haven’t found anything related to this issue. Found this thread
Incognito in Brave via taskbar
but it is closed. Had same in windows home version.

Please help.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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