Description of the issue:
Whenever I try to claim BAT reward, I got the error Error. Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again. .
Please anyone tell what should I do claim my rewards
Brave Version( check About Brave
): 1.17.75 Chromium: 87.0.4280.88 (Official Build) (32-bit)
Mobile Device details Android 10; Pixel 4 Build/QQ3A.200805.001
@tsingla07 ,
Thank you for reaching out.
I know that it may sound silly but have you tried restarting your phone/device?
I tried now, but still not able to claim them.
@tsingla07 ,
It appears that the Android team is aware of the issue and working on a fix presently.
January 8, 2021, 8:01pm
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