I’ve been using brave for around a month now and I haven’t received a single ad.
I Have followed the FAQ. I live in the UK. I have notifications enabled (after a lot of messing around)
Thanks for the help in advance.
I’ve been using brave for around a month now and I haven’t received a single ad.
I Have followed the FAQ. I live in the UK. I have notifications enabled (after a lot of messing around)
Thanks for the help in advance.
I have the same problem, living in France, using Brave for a bit more of couple months and I don’t receiving ads at all… I have the notification enabled but brave do not appear in the app allowed to send windows notifications…
Me too!! I got ads till the first days of April. After that no one single ads.
I updated again the browser yesterday and now when I open a new task, sometimes there is a small banner near the bottom left corner, but if I click it, I’m not getting anything.
Also, I should get something for the paid picture in the background but actually nothing.
I should also have had rewards for background images I haven’t received.
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