No ads since 1 month

it’s been a month and a half that I haven’t received ads anymore, I would like to know if there is a solution to this problem or this is just normal.

Same I haven’t either!

Hello @Holly and @Aneeq. Just to be sure check of Brave notifications in windows are “on”. See the screenshot:

everything is good on this side, I use brave since last August, I had not had any problem since then but for 1 month and a half I do not receive anything.

Then in your case read this: FAQ: Why am I not seeing Brave Ads?

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Ok thanks i will watch it all

I can’t find brave in that section?

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Good @Aneeq. Run this simple tool and check again if this time will find Brave notifications “on” there:

Yeah, I went on reddit and just found that website and it works. Many Thanks!

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No problem. Pleasure to help. :slight_smile:

same for me no ads since month im on computer

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