No rewards since august

Since August 23, I don’t get any reward. I linked multiple brave browsers (@Work macos, @work windows, @home windows) to my brave account and same uphold account.
But, even if each browser has the brave reward increasing montly, there are no paiements since the reset…

What Operating System and Brave version are you using?

macOS: Version 1.62.156 Chromium: 121.0.6167.139 (Build officiel) (arm64)

Who is your verified custodian? (Uphold/Gemini/bitFlyer)


Are you in a supported region?

  1. France

All appeared synched:

Brave broswer is counting each month

but no paiement

Could you submit your issue here and we can take a look? Thanks!

@FrenchW just a quick FYI, you can’t sync Rewards. So sharing anything about sync chain would have nothing to do with you receiving payments or earning BAT.

Also important to note is you show iPhone and iPad on the sync chain. If you’re unaware, you can’t earn BAT on iOS. So neither of those would be linked to Uphold or be able to earn.

As to other devices and all, it just comes down to what Evan123. If you create a Rewards Support Ticket at someone from Brave will take a look and try to help let you know what’s going on. If it’s an error that can be resolved, they’ll fix it. If you’ve been flagged, they’ll evaluate and let you know if they’ll reinstate the account or if you’re permanently flagged/suspended.

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