Since my last payout in August I have only received 2-3 ads till today. I am not getting any new ads.
Did you try if you get notifications for HTML5 ??
yeah it works for me
Try this, i made a topic about it, it works well for me. I am receiving ads since i’ve done it.
C:\Users< your name >\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\ads_service
Find a file named client.json
Backup the file if u like.
Then delete the file. Yes DELETE
close your browser and delete the temp files. I use Ccleaner for this!
Restart Brave Browser
Any way out for Android?
Not that i know (not using this) but i suggest to find the client.json and do what i’ve said.
Have a closer look here:
Too complex for my brain
I give up
Nerver give up. Grow on the Challenge, you can only win!
I’ll save that for a critical time… I’m receiving ads though but with cheeky price $0.01
so am I. We will not get millions, even we surf the net 24/7.
How many ads do you receive daily
Depends on how much i surf. About 3-5 an hour.
I followed the steps given by Rotblut, and I’m still not getting any ads. It’s been over a week already, any other solution/s?
- make sure brave browser is closed.
- go to the appdata folder where client.json is in.
- delete client.json
- clean temp files of your browser (i use Ccleaner).
- restart Brave Browser.
- look in the appdata folder and you see a much smaller client.json file now
- surf the net, first add comes after a few minutes.
Ccleaner is a dektop programm.
get the free version and go trough the options menue if you first start.
select to delete all temp files from your browser.
uncheck the box with must be older then 24hrs.
I followed the steps you provided and even downloaded and ran the CCleaner, but i’m still not getting any ads. Any other tips or advice?
Thank you!
if you did this today, no wonder. On the first of each month no ads pop up. Try again tomorrow.
Any solution for phone? Android?
Ads no show in iOS! Any solution?
Sorry to say, NO!
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