No download for older version of Brave Browser on GitHub for osx?

Hi all I have OSX 10.15.7 Catalina
from doing some research I found that brave 1.69.x is the lates version I can download. From the git hub page I went to there is no download Link for. the .dmg file for this version. so I dont understand how to download this version.?

@mickeyj4j You’re looking at the wrong one is your issue. Like you said, look at the assets on that. You chose one that was for iOS only.

I believe it has been confirmed that is correct. You can see where I shared to someone else and they said installed and worked in topic at Trying to download Brave Browser on an older Mac than can only run Catalina 10 - #2 by Saoiray

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Aye its a generic guthubb page with all versions, i can click links for windows, linux there. On the link I sent scroll down past ios you will see Ios, Android etc.

I dont know how it was for Iso only as i clicked that link from a similar post to yours, asking similar question.
Thanks for the link will jump on my mac and get the dmg.