Ever since Brave increased the number of ads from 5 to 10, I have stopped being ‘served’ any adds. I have checked that all the appropriate options have been enabled. I have also been through some other threads and enabled detailed logging, system notifications and custom ad push notifications through brave://flags/
brave://rewards-internals/ shows that ads have been enabled.
When I go into the logs, I can see this error is coming up a lot:
[05 Jul 2021, 5:00:53.9 pm:ERROR:publisher.cc(763)] Publisher info not found
OS is Mac Big Sur - Version 1.34.81 Chromium: 97.0.4692.99 (Official Build) (x86_64)
My wallet was verified, but noticed that it had been disconnected and have successfully re-connected it (today - 31 Jan).
I have happily been receiving payments for the ads in the past.
I am not using a VPN.
I am in a supported region (GB)
Auto-contribute is turned off.
Any thoughts on next steps?