No alphabetical 'sort' for bookmarks?

I thought I’d seen claims in the search results I looked at here that there was now an alphabetical sort for bookmarks.

If so, where is it?

The only ‘rearrange’ option I see currently is manual drag-&-drop.


– Brave Release / Mac OS Mojave –

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Hello @mk7z

go to
then click on the 3 vertical dots then sort by name

hope that help and have a nice day

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@justsomeone1 There it is, hiding in its little corner. Thanks!

No way to alpha-sort the folders (and their sub-folders) in the left sidebar, though, right?

you welcome @mk7z

you need to get inside each folder and sort it by the same way :slight_smile:

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Got it, thanks again.

you welcome :slight_smile:

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