News does not update

Brave desktop news home page does not update daily? It just recently stopped. I don’t see a way to manually or force an update in the settings.


Same issue here, it stopped for me on the 19/09/2024

Edit: I have figured out how to get it to refresh for me.
Scroll down for the menu on the left to appear, then click “Following”, then back to “For you”. The news seems to have refreshed.

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Any response on this or does any support team actually read this section?

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Just another update, although the method I posted above works for me to refresh the news, The news no longer auto-refreshes and I have to do this every time I want it to refresh.
This issue also exists on my home desktop & laptop, with all the news stopping around 19/09 - 21/09.
All of my devices are running an up to date version of windows 10.

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well, at least something works. i love that brave seems to have gone out of their way to avoid adding a static “refresh” button. this problem has existed as long as I’ve used brave.

Not sure Brave is even reading these posts.

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There is a “refresh” button … at least on the Windows/PC version. A circular “arrows chasing tails” button appears in the lower right, next to the settings button, after the page has been scrolled a bit. On Android, a “Load new content” button is shown at the top of the screen.

Doesn’t address the issue that the auto-refresh isn’t working, at least not on the Windows/PC version. I haven’t really looked at the android version in that regard much, so can’t say for sure there.


Can you upload a picture of this as it appears on pc for future posterity?

How does one take a picture of something that doesn’t happen?


Hey Dave - i updated my post to specify who i was responding to. Since we don’t have direct fixes for this, i was asking that gentleman to provide a screenshot of his workaround.

I find it odd that someone would suggest a workaround with such a specific icon and instead of posting a screenshot to help people, they’d instead describe it in words…

Sorry for the confusion.

Apologies for the late reply here — can anyone in this thread please confirm whether or not this issue is still happening with the latest build of the browser (1.70.126)?

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Woops! My Bad… Sorry

Well, i learned today that there is a refresh button on the pc so i was wrong about it not appearing

@Mattches seems to still be an issue. It can trick people because it will say something like 2 hours ago for the timeline, but then that never changes.

October 14 at 5:30PM

For example, I just started typing this out at 5:30pm EST on October 14 and checked as you can see the screenshot below. I’ll leave this reply as a draft and then another screenshot below it with the timestamp in an hour. When I do return, it should at least say more than the 2 hour timing for the top article, right? Or at least show a different article.

Anyway, rather than making two separate posts, I’m leaving this

Also want to show that the article listed there was from October 9. So not new anyway

October 14 at 6:34PM

NOTE: Hitting refresh does load new articles

So yeah, not sure what’s up. I’m wanting to say the issue mainly happens when on Following and forget if For You has the same problem. But indeed can say it’s not really changing unless a person refreshes.

Just opened Nightly and all of that was fresh. Might need to play with things a bit more, but just thought I’d give that small update on things.


I cannot reproduce this. First — as far as the timestamp goes, I believe that the time stamp is specific to when the article was written/published, not when it was added to your news feed.

Additionally, on my end, if I hit refresh, I do get new articles in the feed:

I’m going to check with some team members to see when News is supposed to refresh.

@Mattches even if true, did you see the hidden detail part? The article had been written/published on October 9 but it was saying from 2 hours ago. But then even assuming it was different, it should have then gone to 3+ hours when I waited an hour from the first screenshot.

What we can do for now is I’ll show screenshot of what I see in Brave News right at this moment, October 14 around 7:20PM. Then I’ll snap a screenshot tomorrow. Ideally it should update, especially with me turning off the computer and all through the night. If it’s the same tomorrow, then I think would be a clear sign that isn’t updating. I’ll refrain from hitting the refresh button and see how long until it changes up.

While on Dashboard, seeing:


Scroll down a bit and it is:

@Mattches as can see, it didn’t change. So still the same unless I manually hit Refresh. The ads change, but not the RSS feeds. The time stays the same too, so what was 5 hours ago when I shared last night (15 hours ago) still shows 5 hours ago now.