New tab frequently visited site icons & navigation

The icons top left on a new browser tab as depicted in this screen capture:

  • need to have the option of more rows, as there is an enormous amount of screen-space, but only 2 rows per page of these icons, and it is wasted effort to have to change pages … BUT SECONDLY … those tiny weeny little dots to click to actually navigate to another page of these links … they are so ridiculously small that they’re actually tricky to click, so not only do I have to switch to another page sooner than I should have to due to the extremely limited number of such links, but then I have to get the cursor up there and click a dot so small it requires some precision mouse-work … I do not want to have to zoom my screen every time I click these things, I do not want to waste mouse movement etc., it would be a great improvement to allow more rows of these icons, and to then also MASSIVELY increase the size of the buttons that take you to another page of them.
  • The way I organise my book marks is partly in folders on the bookmarks toolbar, and partly with very common websites just here in these icon links, which is a habit I formed on Firefox, and I have to say that Mozilla does it better, so please, do that “plagiarism is the highest form of compliment” thing, and just copy their better design or just do something else to make this closer to what they offer … because in Firefox I can have many more of these things appear on a new tab, they automatically populate from recent pages, I can dismiss them or pin them or reorder them, or modify their properties, and I think that is vastly better functionality than what has been implemented here in Brave … I do like the idea of neat and minimalistic in some places, but I want those choices to be mine, not choices made for me by someone else’s assumptions.