my estimated earnings disappeared for some reason
@kasim good idea to try to search for topics. Already been things announced.
ah understood thank you for your help sir.
Well there goes any obligation to stick to the estimated earnings they had before and now give even less than before and no reward each month. Makes sense as they’ve consistently been below the estimated range for several months in a row for me now with the same excuse of “it’ll be added to next month’s reward”…which it clearly isn’t if it’s less each time lol.
I agree, the new system to display rewards so far sucks. You can already see how many ads in settings and to replace estimated earnings with # of ads is useless when it seems, 98% of the ads you see are for Brave and no longer paid. OK I guess if you live in the states where there are lots more ads, but sucks for the rest of us until, perhaps, these new rewards come out next year. Still then details are vague and its not clear whether this new offering will benefit mainly/only valid for US residents too.
The lack of transparency is getting worse it’s clear what the goal is, good luck keeping the support this way and I don’t need an employee telling my how I’m wrong and understand false, no reason to keep brave at this point. Just another obsolete Chromium version…, in over 2 years of use not even 10$ worth of BAT accumulated while I get more ads as any other browser.
Yes, details are fuzzy and I lost BAT, but on transparency I have no conspiracy theory and suspect its the usual problem of rolling out changes without communicating or thinking things through. Brave steers us to this community but seems to engage very little with it. Instead we heavily depend on @Saoiray (who isn’t a Brave employee) to volunteer time at effort investigating and reporting back to the rest of us.
I came to Brave 6 years ago first and foremost for its privacy features, only enabling rewards several months later. As much as I have grown to love BAT, losing it won’t stop me using the browser as I prefer Brave by a long shot compared to others.
…just my take
@Thrive I’m never sure where I stand in regards to communication. While I know Brave can and should do better, I’ve also learned that people tend not to pay attention anyway. It gets tiring having to constantly repeat things, especially when there are huge banners or multiple announcements on it but people still don’t pay attention.
Three examples below:
Example 1
In the screenshot below we have Brave devs saying a fix is coming. It requires version 1.73.100 to see the change. And that is in the midst of being merged in.
You’d think the above would be clear, right? Wait for 1.73.100 and then the issue will hopefully be fixed.
We get a reply from someone saying the issue is still working. They are on 1.73.97. They don’t see any updates available.
I mean, it was made clear above that it was still in progress. All people had to do is wait for the fix to land. But you get these impatient people who ignore all of that.
Example 2:
As you know, Brave keeps this big banner on the website to show status of payouts.
But every single month without fail we’ll get many posts of people like:
Or other example:
Example 3
They had First to know: Some upcoming changes in Rewards 3.0 pinned. In it we had things like:
But despite that, still got things like the topic we’re in here:
In addition to that though, there was a time long ago when they frequently shared about upcoming changes. Like how countries were going to be added or new features arrive. But instead of people being appreciative of it, all that tended to happen was everyone going with the constant:
Where is the change?
Why isn't it here yet?
You should do it this way!
That’s for the ones paying attention.
And when you consider that Brave is a very small team. In terms of Support, it’s pretty much just Evan123, Mattches, and Steeven handling everything. And those three do more than just help here on the support side of things. They also do work on the websites, help on QA for issues, and help a lot on the back end.
Then there’s all the developers and all who often spend time helping in addition to working on projects. But definitely is limited on time they can or should spend.
So as much as would hope they could say more, I also see the other side of things where it seems like spinning their wheels as people ignore it or will just be annoying with things after. There’s little to no incentive to say much ahead of time. It’s easier just to change things and keep silent.
So to recap. I received less than half of the minimum BAT I earned in the Nov and Dec payments. Now, under the new system I just got paid and earned the grand total of 0.7 BAT across all devices. Merry Christmas and HNY to you too Brave!
I only used to get 3-8 BAT each month but 0.7? KMT.
Brave did all that work to get other countries back on line and then delivers a blow to all non-US users, who barely get any paid ads under the new system. Well done (not). I still love the browser but as a Brave vet, the rewards system and communications just get suckier each year.
Yes, it is a waste of time now.