First to know: Some upcoming changes in Rewards 3.0

We’d like to share some updates with the community about some upcoming changes to the Brave Rewards experience as we prepare for the release of Rewards 3.0, scheduled for Q1 2025.

House Ads

In mid-November, we implemented an update that removed the small reward value applied to Brave’s house ads which promote Brave features like Brave Talk, Leo, Brave VPN, or our podcast. Brave Rewards is meant to reward users based on revenue generated from paid campaigns purchased by advertisers, while house ads run when Brave Ads inventory is available but hasn’t been reserved by paid campaigns.

Moving Away from “Estimated Earnings”

As part of the Rewards 3.0 update, the “estimated earnings” indicator will be removed from the Brave Rewards interface and replaced with something new. Since Rewards 3.0 will introduce more dynamic ways to earn rewards, the current “earnings so far” estimator will no longer be a useful tool to set earning expectations.

Replacing Auto-Contribute

Another significant change coming with Rewards 3.0 is the removal of the Auto-Contribute feature (which is only available in some regions). Instead, we will focus on introducing more on-chain contribution methods for creators. With new technologies that now make on-chain subscriptions possible, we will be shifting our focus in that direction.

Looking Ahead

This is an exciting time. We’ll be sharing more details soon about Rewards 3.0 and the all new BAT Roadmap 3.0. In the meantime, we hope this update provides helpful insight into the changes Rewards users can soon expect to see.


These updates sound amazing! We are excited to see how Rewards 3.0 will make earning better and easier. Can’t wait to learn more about the BAT Roadmap too!

All the best, Rohit, marketing manager, WorkTime

BAT Roadmap 3.0 is here:

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