My account in Uphold is banned


I’m trying to find a solution to get brave rewards, below be an explanation of why I can’t for now.

Recently, I started to use brave, and I liked the idea to get rewards with BAT tokens.

I understood that I need to have a wallet with KYC verifications and there are only two.

and based on the region and service provider, only uphold can provide me an account, which initially I managed to get an account for around month. later on when I start using the app, with depositing and withdrawal services, they flag my account for further verification and eventfully they closed my account.
(I checked the app review, and there are a lot people having similar cases, and almost all cases without good explanation of why?)

therefore, I can no longer use their service although I had several emails going on, but that’s it.

is there is anyway to get the rewards without using uphold, or there is a plan to add more service provider ?

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