When I look at my Task Manager, I see 29 Brave Browser processes running. I might know a good deal about desktops, but this I do not understand.
Hello @cardnut23
that depend on the number of window and tabs you open and also the number of extensions you have
of course 29 is so much but not sure how much you opened
all browser do that so in case if tab crash or freez it does not crash the whole app
hope that help and have a nice day
Thanks for the info. I have 9 tabs open and 6 extensions. What else could the extras be?
you very welcome not sure if there anything else could affect that
could you try to disable all extension and see how much it affect those 29 process
Well is disabled all of the extensions, restarted Brave. I had 32 processes running. I enabled the extensions and now I have 38.
not sure if you can do that or not
could you close all tabs and start brave with no tabs and while you disabled all extension also
and see how much process you have
I did as you requested, and I have 11 processes running.
just to make sure you use windows right? and which version?
Windows 10 Home Edition
go to brave://settings/
and select on start up
Open the New Tab page
please notice that it will open empty window next time so all your open tabs will be gone
do you have any pin tabs ? make sure to cloes it also if you have some
disable all extension
sorry for asking you that again could you close brave again and make sure it does not work in background by check the taks manager
now it should open with the least number of process
for my device i had 13 process but i use linux and i have no extension
by i enabled the reward and i enabled also many ad block from here brave://adblock/
actuly i enabled them all
please notice that other service that brave has like topsite or the wallet extension and the feature on the new tab page
like all those card gemini binance sponosor image and todays news
I did s you suggested. When I started Brave, I had 8 processes open.
i see that the minimum for your case
the process can be like the main brave and other to manage multi tabs window like a manager and reward and stuff in the new tabs like sponosr image and all those cards and today news
but of course that just a guessing
if you go to menu then more tools then task manager it could help you about some of the process and what they do
The task manager explains what each process is for…
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