Modifying start page

*Is it possible to add more than 2 rows of frequent sites to the start page?
Thank you. Ed

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Additional Information: v1.61.120

It’s been a long time since I tried, but I’m pretty sure there’s not. Any more than that and you may as well just launch to your Bookmarks Manager, lol. But they keep a lot of space available for things like NTP ads and everything.

Just learned that it’s not possible. I asked the AI assistant, Leo, and he informed me.

I wasn’t familiar with Leo. I’ll remember to ask him first before posting a question. Thank you, all.

EDIT: that’s one reason why i liked both Firefox and Vivaldi browsers. Firefox allowed 4 rows, and I think Vivaldi allowed even more. Anyhow, I still like Brave.

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