Modify Dictionary on macOS

It would be really useful to be able to manage the dictionary words in the macOS version of Brave desktop.

Many (many) times I have accidentally clicked Add to dictionary on the spell check by mistake:

When this happens, there is no way for me to remove the accidentally added word using the browser features.

I asked here, and was told I could use brave://settings/editDictionary. However, this does not work on macOS (it just takes me to the settings landing page).

Fortunately, although I am clumsy with the “Add to dictionary” button, I make up for it with technical ability, and I am able to follow the very tedious process of manually editing the dictionary file and generating a checksum as defined here.

However, I fear that many users who may be just as clumsy but not as technical minded, might be forced to choose between a lifetime of Brave suggesting incorrect spellings of words, or selling their data soul to the devil by using Google Chrome :scream:

It would be amazing if you would implement a feature to manage the dictionary via the Brave settings page.