MacOS 11 (Big Sur) - App Crashes upon opening

App Crashes Upon Opening

Download Brave App from website. Installed app. Opened App. This is what happens

App immediately crashes without opening any windows first.

MacOS 11.6 (M1)

Latest Version of Brave as of 12/08/21

When you downloaded Brave initially, were you sure to select the correct build (M1 chip vs Intel chip)?

Yes. I downloaded the M1

Can you try downloading the Beta build of the browser and tell me if you get the same results?

Yep. Just tried. Same problem.

@Mattches is there any other information you might need?

Can you please try opening Terminal on your mac and entering the following commands:

cd ~/Library/"Application Support"/BraveSoftware/

then, once you’re in the above directory type:

ls -la

and share the output here?

Thank you – can you please try one more of these commands?

sudo chown -R $USER:staff ~/Library/Application\ Support/BraveSoftware/

Once the above is run, can you please try launching the browser again?

I got this result. Then tried to reopen the browser and it crashed as usual. I also tried this command after the first two commands in the previous reply and got the same results

Is there anything else you want me to try?

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