Lost my Sync code after updating windows


Paths I usually state in a Reply-Post. . .

Linux OS:

  • $HOME/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/

Mac OS:

  • /Users/username/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/

Windows OS:

  • C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\

I much prefer to recommend backup of the parent: BraveSoftware folder. For technical reasons, saving the parent folder tends to also save other items, let us say, about the sub-folder, in this case, the Brave-Browser folder.

Saving the parent folder, tends strongly to keep the Brave-Browser folder intact. And I would want that, especially in Windows OS situations.

Better chances when restoring, to drag-copy the Brave-Browser folder (or contents of interest therein) . . . that was/were saved within the backed-up BraveSoftware folder.

The security credentials of a previous OS installation, used for encrypting and decrypting the passwords of the username-and-password combinations stored by the Brave Browser > Password Manager, are NOT in the Paths mentioned.

Therefore, in order to preserve the passwords, some backup method needs to be employed, and that might be one or more of:


  • Export passwords to .CSV file

  • Third-party password manager such as 1Password, BitWarden, KeePASS, LastPASS (examples)

  • GoodSync backup software (example)

IF a Brave Browser user is willing to hack and struggle, in order to TRY to recover passwords, then read the following steps plus additional replies, at:

_ ‘Brave Wont show My Passwords, and Logged me out of all websites - #4 by CerealLover

Backup Software and Tips

Include date and time in the backup filename. For example:

  • 20220629-1627_BraveSoftware_fldr_bkup.zip

  • BraveSoftware_fldr_bkup_20220629-1627.zip

Windows OS users:

Create a new System Restore Point every day or week, depending upon the importance of recent work.

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