Lost 2.000 BAT from my "estimated earnings this month" screen

About a week ago I had something around 4 Bat in my “estimated earnings so far” widget on a new tab, but then it suddenly dropped to 2 one day. I haven’t been able to find the lost money anywhere, or see a “history” of pending money.

I’m on windows 10 Pro 64 bit and on Brave 1.25.68

The wallet is currently verified and uphold linked, but the missing money hasn’t been transferred there either

I verified my wallet months ago, probably around march?

I have successfully received payments so far.

I’m not using a VPN

I am in a supported region

I have turned off auto contribute.

Hey @doctorhibert ! Welcome to the community :smiley:

This is most likely related to the issue stated in this post → https://community.brave.com/t/heads-up-estimated-pending-rewards-counter-fix/253277

Hope this helped!


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That makes sense, thanks.

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