Links on iPhone do not open Brave

Description of the issue: When opening a link on the iPhone it does not go to Brave but Presearch another browser I occasionally use.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Click “Open With” on any hyperlink
  2. Select Brave
  3. Presearch browser opens instead

Expected result: Open Brave NOT Presearch

Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.37

Mobile Device details iPhone 12 Pro version 15.4.1

Additional Information:

How do we send this to support as it’s technically a defect?

They must use our app handler, and the app can’t decide whether it’s our app or their app.
Easiest fix is to uninstall presearch.

Maybe i’ll try to make a pull request in their repo to change it

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Not sure what you mean but it happens on all my iOS apps like Email, calendar etc. Anything that has a link and then I click “Open With” this issue occurs.

I didn’t want to delete Presearch but did a test and it works but can it be fixed so I can open Presearch?


app handler - look up Application Handler

Meanwhile, also take a look at ‘OpenIn’ app:


Application Bundle Identifier:


Sorry for the technical reply.
Presearch app is built on top of our app, and they use the same identifier when Apple OS asks to open a ‘browser app’
So when iOS sees two apps using the same identifier it opens first app it sees

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Oh I see yeah that makes sense thanks for that. I prefer your app anyway!!

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