Linkedin keeps loading, If gone straightly into a account by clicking on a Google link

Description of the Issue: keeps loading**

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.: Go straightly into a account by clicking on a Google link that was returned from a Google search.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!): : The account keeps reloading

Expected result:: To display the particular page of the account when it, the page, has completely loaded.

Reproduces how often:: Every time a account is accessed by clicking on a link returned from a Google search

Brave Version(about:brave):: Version 0.56.15 Chromium: 70.0.3538.110 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Reproducible on current live release (yes/no):: yes,

Additional Information:: no

Are you already logged into Linkedin when you click the link to the account? Or are you just trying to open a public profile on the search page?

Already logged in!

Logged in, but do not have in an open tab, while so, trying to go to a Linkedin account by clicking on a link returned from a Google search

The following describes the set of steps

  • Log in to Linkedin, and then close the tab, or go to, or go to another website

  • Do a Google search, by using somebody’s name, you know to be having a Linkedin account(Do the search from the address bar, or from the Google search box)

  • Click on the Linkedin link returned by the search!

Hmm, not seeing this on my end:

I assume that it works fine with Shields down?

Does not matter whether shields down or not, it happens

This doesn’t happen if logged into home page first and then, goes into the profile by doing a search from within Linkedin. But If goes in by doing a Google search and then clicking on the link, the LinkedIn profile keeps reloading whether shields up or down. That’s what happens on my end.

Any of the issues, whether concerning issue posted at or this, concerning Linkedin, does not come up with the Beta version

Thank you for reporting @Varuna. Still looking into this, not sure what the deal is just yet.
Will reply when I learn more.

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