Kaspersky [KTS19(d)] detecting Brave Installer as malware: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic

Maatches, MediaBird, paulonuvem,
Just to add my 2c, feel like I’m in a loony dance with K: in my case, Brave is working fine, the issue is K is detecting Brace components AND quarantining;

Yes, since the latest Brave update, the same is happening with me. The installation process is no longer blocked, it deletes the entire Brave Browser after a PC restart… :slightly_frowning_face:

MediaBird, I had Brave on my Taskbar, hadn’t used in the last few days; after reading your last post I decided to check, dang! It’s gone, even from Start Menu, not from C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware.
How tedious, will re-install & see how long it takes K to send it to never-never land. Back soon with results; my love-hate relationship with K is fast becoming hate-hate; what’s truly annoying is that K would grant Brave full trusted app status, then immediately send it to quarantine​:unamused::zipper_mouth_face:
I refuse to manually whitelist as this is definitely a K bug, they need to sort it.
As well as logging a KLabSupport INC, I’ve added it to their image page.



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It was the same with me (for what i see from your screenshots)

That’s how I see it :slight_smile:

Another screenshot, my reinstall of Brave now cannot progress past:

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See also here:

Doesn’t seem to be getting any better between Brave and Kaspersky. :boom:

Uhhuh!, Kaspersky’s go to position, constant state of denial, it’s a defined condition in DSM-5

For all (Brave/Kaspersky) users affected by this issue:


One of their mods even claiming “yes Brave browser “auto updater” was the issue and is now is white-listed”

No it’s not!!

Tracking back Maatches I can see escalations dating back to October, 2+ months, given they’ve got INCs still unresolved after 9 months I guess we can’t be too impatient :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
I’m of the belief Kaspersky are anti-Moz anything because Moz is so independent.

Where’s that emoji for “pull your finger out Kaspersky!”?

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From: Kaspersky Lab Support
Sent: Wednesday, 26 December 2018 10:56

quote: “the issue has been fixed as the detection was a false positive.”

However, to get it to work, I FIRST, deleted all instances of Brave from [Kaspersky][Manage Applications], remember originally Kaspersky “allowed” the install, granted Brave [Trusted Application] status;

then reinstalled Brave.

To all who participated/persisted with this :v: THANK YOU :v:!!
You’re all Brave :superhero: :man_superhero:s!!

Today i have download the new Chromium version
And the uptodate Kis 2019 is not detecting any trojan inside it

More : at opening the extension of Kaspersky is appearing for acceptance
This was not the case in the previous version 25.304

It seems thus the problem is solved without putting the new version
as exception in the Kaspersky system of protection

He’s done that before.

Have you rebooted your PC yet?

yes rebooted now and Brave seems to persist working without problems
with KIS 19.00.1018 d
and an extension Kaspesky protection

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Hello Awaw,
Unsure if you may be thinking the issue I originally reported is ongoing…?
It isn’t, Kaspersky fixed: [KTS19(d)] detecting Brave Installer (Brave version 0.58.16 Chromium: 71.0.3578.98) as malaware:

From: Kaspersky Lab Support
Sent: Wednesday, 26 December 2018 10:56
quote: “the issue has been fixed as the detection was a false positive.”

If ANY Brave/Kaspersky users still have the specific issue:
[Kaspersky [KTS19(d)] detecting Brave Installer as malware: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic]

please post here and log an incident case with Kaspersky.


sorry here are the images


Hello Awaw,
I’m still unclear, I’m sorry.
Your screen image is for the Kaspersky extension (with no errors) & as you say “up-to-date Kis 2019 is not detecting any trojan”…

Which confirms my earlier advice, from Kaspersky "26/12/18 10:56, KTS19 detecting Brave Installer as malware: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic;
“the issue has been fixed as the detection was a false positive.”

Are you advising you do have an issue or…?

My apologies for not understanding.
Please let us know.

The picture are showing only that the install of the new version of
Brave induces now no problem more.
Brave is not quarantined by Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS)
The install exe is accepted and analyzed without detecting a malware
and the install of the new Brave is auomatically accepting an extension
of Kaspersky that you can manage

My contribution was only to say at the end of this trend i have followed
until Christmas :
no problem more see what i have obtained.
There is no complaint.


I appreciate your clarification and confirmation.
Merci! Bonne année :blush:

Hi Awaw,
You post may be able to help me please:
Kaspersky are claiming there is no Kaspersky extension for Brave:

quote "_Support Agent 001 01:46:35 pm _
We do not have Kaspersky extension for the Brave browser.
We only have Kaspersky extension for Mozila Firefox, Google Chrome & Internet Explorer. " unquote.

  • List item

Your image post clearly shows Brave | brave://extensions - Kaspersky…
Would you be kind enough please to post the url or source of where/how you got that extension please?

I’ve been to Google Store, Google Play & Windows Store… Unable to find Kaspersky ext for Brave in any of those sources…

Thanks is advance.