Issue has been solved. moderators please delete this thread for privacy reasons

issue has been solved. details redacted for privacy.

Payments to Uphold wallets are still processing

I’m unverified. So in my case the claim button should be available by now right?

Same thing here. Unverified wallet and I still don’t have the claim button.

having the same issue.Please help @steeven

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I just updated my browser to 1.31.91. No signs of claim button yet.

@steeven how long should we wait to see if the rewards posted to our Uphold accounts? I have had problems for the past few months and you have had to manually add them.

Thank you

If you still haven’t received your payment please DM me your wallet ID.

until today I still have not received my October bonus. why so long? I have sent a lot of wallet IDs to you but still no response

What if I have an unverified wallet?

@steeven i haven’t received my october payout as well.

@steeven i sent you a dm. Please help.
I still dont have the claim button.

@Silvermann looking.