Is there a way to change font for Japanese?

Firefox being the first screenshot then Brave being the 2nd one looking all pixelated
Is there a way to fix this? I know its fully readable but it’s just a font preference for me. I was going to swap 100% to Brave but this makes it a bit iffy for me

I think this is actually a known Chromium issue and is not necessarily specific to Japanese fonts. Would you be willing to test this in another Chromium based browser (Chrome, MS Edge, Opera, etc.) and see if Japanese characters appear the same way there?

Chrome has the same font as Firefox in that specific instance

Hi @MoistWater ,

I checked and it shows like this on my device(Brave version 1.71.144).

Brave has the font setting on brave://settings/fonts. For example the browser font setting affects the text box on But I don’t think this setting affect They must have the font setting on CSS.

  • Please check the Brave version on brave://settings/help. You can update to the latest from there if it isn’t.
  • Do you use any extension/custom theme? Is it possible to disable all of them?
  • Does the font change if you use new browser profile by profile => add profile ?
  • Is this font used on all web sites text inputs? Or only on this web site?

I don’t have any extensions or custom themes that’d affect font, they’re just things for twitch which I also have on Firefox.

I’m a bit confused I set everything to Arial(hope that’s the correct font to set it to) but it still shows up as Times New Roman font(at least I think that’s the font it’s showing me)

there’s a different screenshot to show it’s not the same one as before

It has nothing to do with font size because I checked it and it still the same Times New Roman-looking font

I made a random new profile and it still didn’t change the font

For it seems normal

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