Infinite Loop: "Your request is still being processed, please wait."

Hey everyone,
I am trying to transfer my Brave Rewards to Uphold, but keep receiving the same error message:

Your request is still being processed, please wait.
Sorry there was a problem processing your request, please try again.

Any ideas how to get past this?

  • Uphold account is new, but fully verified.
  • I have never transferred Brave Rewards before. (2+ years accumulated)
  • Windows 10
  • Brave browser is up to date.
  • Restarted (lol)
  • Windows 10 is updated (and restarted after)

I opened a support ticket with Uphold, but no idea how long that will take.

Same issue, same specs.

I’ll pre-emptively create a support ticket. You might want to do the same. They’ll ask for your Rewards payment ID in the form, which is prolly safer to get submitted into their support system before things get wiped.

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