India is Back as Supported Region for Brave Rewards in Nightly (now in Release)!

Lol. Hopefully, ZebPay will be live this week. And frequent log-out has been improved to 36 hours, hope it gets better.

Also, with v1.58.x upgrade, those who are currently logged in with Gemini or Uphold in India will get disconnected and will be able to connect to only ZebPay (no other option will be there) after resetting their Brave Rewards.

A clarificaton is needed from Brave whether after upgrade to 1.58.x, these previously connected users (say with Gemini) will stop earning and go to “creator’s-support state” unless they connect to ZebPay or will they continue to get ad earnings in their previous connected custodian.

Anyways, gud news coming still. :slightly_smiling_face:

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