Include a userscripts manager in Brave

With the upcoming removal of manifest v2 (which I presume Brave is not committed to continue supporting), there will no longer be a way to create userscript extensions (such as Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, and Violentmonkey) for Chromium-based browsers. This will have a very negative impact on many users (over 10 million people use Tampermonkey, for instance) who use userscripts for a wide variety of purposes to fix/optimize websites at a user level. In short, they are extremely useful. I myself use them on all sorts of sites, and it would really be horrible to lose access to them.

Brave should introduce its own userscript manager, perhaps by using Violentmonkey as a base, allowing brave users to have the full functionality of userscripts baked into the browser, and not reliant on v2 manifest.

This would alleviate some issues on Android where we cannot install any extension.


Adding onto this, a LONG time ago, you used to be able to drop the userscripts inside chrome://extensions/ but now you just receive a “This extension is not listed in the Web Store and may have been added without your knowledge.” So it comes down to reenabling that feature when developer mode is turned on and possibly a warning about the dangers of doing so.