In outlook web version, skype login is not working

Description of the issue:
In outlook web version, skype login is not working. It is perfectly working in chrome.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): . 1 Login to outlook website. 2 click on skype login icon on right top of the screen.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!): It is showing only signing screeen instead of the screen after login in skype.

Expected result: Ideally it should allow to sign in but it is not working.

Reproduces how often: Everytime

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu): Windows 7 Version 0.61.51 Chromium: 73.0.3683.75

Additional Information:

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@mayurmoradiya can you try with “Allow all cookies” via Brave icon at URL bar? And see if it can solve your issue?


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