Where to look on your Mac
Your Mac user account name is represented by “user_shortname” in the following.
/Users/user_shortname/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/
That “BraveSoftware” folder is what you want to routinely back up. I favor .zip compressing the folder, changing the resulting .zip file name to something like:
Further into the sub-folders of that “BraveSoftware” folder, the bookmarks files of interest to you:
/Users/user_shortname/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Bookmarks
/Users/user_shortname/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/Bookmarks.bak
Copy that first “Bookmarks” file to your Mac Desktop. Open that “Bookmarks” file - using the Text Editor.app on your Mac.
IF the bookmarks are intact, you will see in that file, as you slowly scroll down a little . . . a line beginning with:
“url”: "https://www. [etc.]
Look for a few more such lines. That evidence will show you, that the “Bookmarks” file copy that you saved to your Mac Desktop, is potentially what you seek . . . to preserve.
From now on, routinely back up your Brave Browser bookmarks, and your passwords (if using the Brave Browser Password Manager).
Please edit your Original Post (“OP”), above, to include categories
- Browser Support
- Desktop Support
In your future, here:
Example of a good report:
How to stop the settings cog wheel icon from disappearing in Brave?
Such organized reports, help Brave Support to more carefully and quickly determine how to proceed.
PS. You might also edit the title of your OP, to change “uptaded” to “updated”.
And, about the Brave Browser version that you would use:
The download is at:
There, scroll down to, and select:
Where Brave Browser is installed (for future reference):
/Applications/Brave Browser.app
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware
And the “Brave Browser Helper . . . .diag” crash reports within: