I decided to try the vpn of the explorer so i got the 7days period time but the service didnt work for me and couldn’t use the service so i canceled the subscription, but days later i got charged the full year of service on my account, i reach out to google and they are refusing to give me a refund, and the services dont even work for me im hoping someone here can help me with it
@GadalaKattan long story short, you’ll need to create a Brave Premium Product Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003078831 to have someone from Brave take a look and see if they can help you.
For Google to be refusing to refund, it makes it sound like you didn’t cancel in time. If that’s the case, the fault would lie with you. But at least get that ticket in and Brave will look at your situation at a while and determine if it’s something they are able and willing to assist you on.