I moved to Linux Ubuntu and I'm not getting ads

Briefly describe your issue:

Im not getting ads, maybe the system thinks that im using more than one account, because i used brave when i was using Windows.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (Menu --> About Brave)

Im using Linux Ubuntu and Brave Versión 1.68.141 Chromium: 127.0.6533.120 (Build oficial) (64 bits)

Who is your verified custodian? (Uphold/Gemini/bitFlyer)


Are you in a supported region? (see here for list of supported regions)

Yes my country Ecuador is supported.

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Hello - Please check your ad notification settings. If you’re still having trouble, submit an issue to us and we can investigate.

Ticket Submission Form: https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

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Ok, I gave permission for the site to send notifications but Im still having the same issue.

Submit your issue here and we can investigate. Thanks!