I haven't received my July payment

I have not yet received the payment of July 5 and already in brave rewards it marks me on August 5. Do I still have to wait? My uphold account is verified since January, if I have received payments in previous months, I use Windows 32 bit version, I have the latest version of the brave browser


@Ciro1 - payment’s are processing - MEGATHREAD: July 5th, 2020 Brave Ads Payout Support.


Thanks for informing me :smiley:

Hi my wolet olsowe verificatione dont recive payment for july,and way agen nead wait payment on uphold?


I didn’t receive mine either for this month. also, still waiting for over a year on why i have 47 BAT in my rewards wallet that will not show up in my uphold wallet.

why are my rewards pityful compared to you guys

@structdjm What do you mean? :thinking:

I mean I thought about it programmatically just now, and yah thats an issue

@Ciro1 have you recevied your payment

Still nothing, I’m still waiting

I do not understand explain to me

mee to are you using in pc or phone

I use the browser on my pc and well, still nothing, I’ll keep waiting

I got 0.25 BAT instead of the 11.8 I was supposed to…
Is that normal???

no problem i think they will sort it and we will get our payments

Hi, I didnt received my July Payment too. I want to know whats happened? THANKS.

Good day, please dev verify my BAT reward for June. I got 10BAT but i only received 2.3BAT in my Uphold. Please fix this thanks

thank you so much @steeven i have got my payments to uphold thank you so much once again

Thank you to the Brave dev ive got the pending reward. Thanks again

Hello, This month I didn’t receive the payments of all my devices (i have 3 windows and 1 android) What should I do? (the device that didn’t pay the rewards modified the date to aug 5)