I haven't received all the payments! Only received rewards from ONE device instead from 4 devices!

I have 4 devices that are all linked to the same Uphold wallet for 8 months and this month (April) 3 devices have not received their rewards!
I should have received more (promise): 4.695 + 3.646 + 5.166!
I don’t understand why BRAVE is not able to see that some UPHOLD wallets have not received all the payments!
Can you help me please @steeven ! Thanks a lot!

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Same Here.

And I don’t know why the status says “Payments Complete” for Uphold wallets.

Guess I’ll have to open a Topic too.

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same here i have also not recieved my 3.65 bat and it is also not showing that your rewards are on the way help me

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Gemini user here and I have not received any either while the payment status is saying “Payments Complete”

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