I didn't received my BAT payout and Claim button not shouwing

I didn’t get my BAT from November, the Payout has been completed since Dec 7 and I didn’t get my BAT, also I don’t see any Claim button on my Rewards page. How can I claim my BAT?

Is your browser verified at this time?

Hi, my Uphold wallet is verified, not sure if I have to do something else, but I actually just updated the browser last Friday. Is there something else I need to do? Thank you

If your wallet is verified you will not receive a “claim” button – funds will be deposited into your Uphold account directly. Can you please login to Uphold and check your Activity to see if any deposits were made this month?

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I have the same problem but my browser is not verified I did not get the payment for November :cry:

Hi, I did check that and don’t have deposits from the PC Brave browser rewards, I did get one from the Android Brave Browser. The amounts of PC and Android were very different. As far as I understand I have to receive 2 deposits. I got only one.

Can you please send me a DM with the wallet payment ID from your PC device (found on your brave://rewards-internals page)?

Thanks I sent you a message with the info, hope that is correct

@Mattches Hi have you had the chance to check the info I sent you about the issue I has?

hey, did you have the chance to check my issue? is anybody working on it? thanks

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