I didn't get paid my estimated pending rewards

hello everyone, i didnt got paid my estimated pending rewards for today 6 of august i got 8.175 and but in my wallet its 0.000 BAT and it has written “sadly no tokens yet” what’s the solution ?

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Hello @imadt538

your screen shoot say it pending that mean your payment still proccessing and check the post that @Nasheed mentioned and when steveen say it done and you did not get your payment then mention him to help you

and have a nice day


So i just need to be passion right ?

Yeah wait till payout gets completed


okey i’ll w8 thanks for help

just keep watching the post that @Nasheed post to see any update the post say it will be open on 7 pst so it will be after 3.5 hours

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yes i will thank you sir

you welcome :slight_smile:

Hi @imadt538 - payments are still processing - MEGATHREAD: August 5th, 2020 Brave Ads Payout Support. They will be processing through tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.

I have the same problem, today I was supposed to receive the rewards, and it automatically change its payment day…

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Hi steeven I sent you private messages
concerning my old payments
that I should receive
thanks to you

i still have the problem

I have same problem.

hi steeven I still haven’t received anything from the previous months and even in August I never received my bat
I dm u

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