So, I’ve been using Brave Rewards for 3 months now and I can’t seem to be able to get an brave ad for a month now. I was able to get some BAT through ads by cryptocurrency and one day it suddenly stopped. I thought maybe the cryptoads run out now so I should continue browsing through brave browser in order for it to compile my interest and data give me some Brave Ads to gain BAT. But it’s been a month now, I still haven’t received an ad. I checked if Brave Reward Ads option was on and already set the 5perhour ads. I came from a supported country so the place shouldn’t be an issue .The app is already up to date in Google Playstore and I have saved up to 11.250 BAT. .
I like using Brave Browser because of the Brave Shield and if anyone can help me out I would be truly grateful cause I’m at my wits end here.
Brave 1.15.75, Chromium 86.0.4240.99
Android 5.1; A33w Build/LM47I