I can't click on Brave Ads in Pop!_OS 21.10 (GNU/Linux)

Issue: When a Brave ad notification pops up, I cannot click on it. As soon as I hover over the notification with my mouse’s cursor, the ad’s popup notification disappears. This does not happen with any other system notifications. For example, I can click on the Pop OS “update available” notifications, and they open up fine. This started happening in around December of 2021, and it has been this way since. I still get credit for being served the ad, but I cannot ever successfully click on the link to the ad (in other words, I can’t see the ad at all e.g. in a new Brave browser tab). Prior to December 2021, when a new Brave ad notification popped up, I could click on it, and it would open the ad in a new Brave browser tab.

My version of Brave:

Version 1.35.103 Chromium: 98.0.4758.102 (Official Build) (64-bit)

My Pop!_OS 21.10 setup is 100% stock.
I have enabled tiling windows, but turning tiling on or off does
not change how the Brave Ads behave (I can’t click on them either way).

My system specifications (from Neofetch):
///////////////////// ---------------------
///////767//////////////// OS: Pop!_OS 21.10 x86_64
////////////// Host: MS-7693 5.0
/////76767//7676767////////////// Kernel: 5.15.15-76051515-generic
/////767676///76767/////////////// Uptime: 6 mins
/////// Packages: 1925 (dpkg), 38 (flatpak)
/////////767676//76767///767676//////// Shell: bash 5.1.8
//////////76767676767////76767///////// Resolution: 1920x1080, 1920x1080
///////////76767676//////7676////////// DE: GNOME 40.5
////////////,7676,///////767/////////// WM: Mutter
/////////////*7676///////76//////////// WM Theme: Pop
///////////////7676//////////////////// Theme: Pop-dark [GTK2/3]
///////////////7676///767//////////// Icons: Pop [GTK2/3]
//////////////////////’//////////// Terminal: gnome-terminal
//////.7676767676767676767,////// CPU: AMD FX-8370 (8) @ 4.000GHz
/////767676767676767676767///// GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590
/////////////////////////// Memory: 2564MiB / 32049MiB

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