I cannot send or swap crypto?

hi, i have a big problem.
I‘ve been trying to send WLD to another adress but it never works. No matter how much it is. I tried to decrease the amount of WLD but still no process.
It always says insufficient credit. I also bought some ETH for the gas, but still it shows insufficient credit.
I really need help, as the value of WLD is shrinking. I can’t swap the currency either.

I’ve got the newest version of Brave. I tried to use it on IPhone 12 as well as on Windows 11 Pro. Version 1.62 (

Please only post Brave Wallet inquiries in this category – visit the Brave Rewards category for all related rewards issues.

The Brave Team will never ask you for your recovery phrase or private key.

Description of the issue:

Is the issue occurring on a specific network?

What operating system are you using?

Brave Version (check About Brave):

Additional Information:

You have no gas. In order to move cryptocurrency you need a form of crypto for gas. It is requiring ETH and it is saying you have none.

Keep in mind the ETH needs to be on the same network. So if you were trying to send on Optimism work it needs to be Optimism ETH. What type of ETH did you buy?

oh i bought the wrong ETH. But it says 16WLD + 0ETH. How do I know how much ETH I have to buy? Also, thanks for your response

Here’s a gas tracker to reference: https://etherscan.io/gastracker

ugh, i think my brave is just broken. I cant even buy Optimism ETH. I click on buy but nothing happens like the button is broken.

Hey naksuyaa,

I am able to reproduce when I try to open Buy from ETH on Optimism asset details page. I’ve opened https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/36266 to track this.

Can you try tapping ‘Buy’ from Portfolio screen instead of from ETH on Optimism asset detail?

  1. From Portfolio, tap ‘Buy’
  2. In top-right, tap the network picker and select Optimism
  3. ETH token should be selected, if not tap the token and choose ETH/Ethereum
  4. Tap ‘Select purchase method’
  5. Tap Buy with (you can choose provider to buy from)


@Saoiray @StephenHeaps omg it worked!!! Thank you so much!!! I was desperate. Thanks a lot.

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I tried to transfer 0.5 WLD to Bitget but I didn´t knew how gas fees work so now my transaction is on a loop trying to be accepted. I’ve tried to link my brave wallet to optimism to buy gas but it doesn’t connect because the initial transaction is still pending.
How can I cancel the initial transaction and link my brave wallet to optimism in order to buy gas to transfer coins?

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