I am receiving ads on my mobile device but not pc for brave rewards

I am receiving ads notification on my mobile device but not my pc how do I fix this?

First, check the basic troubleshooting articles here FAQ: Why am I not seeing Brave Ads?

And if it’s still not working, let us know.

esto es un bug/ This is a bug

I am form spain and i have same problem.

If people of argentina, spain, and another countries don´t work these, it is secure a bug.

And this is a bug because i download the nightly broswer of brave and i am reciving ads.

The brave stable version is 1.11.97 and nightly is 1.13.40 so white and in bottle, milk.

ive done basic trouble shooting and its been 2 days and i have not received any ads on my pc but i receive the notifications on my mobile phone

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i was not receiving from pc or android and today android ads worked again but pc is still no ads

i got 1 ad in 3 days and i wasnt doing anything different so i dont know whats going on

so my ads still are not working am i going to get any assistance with this ?

Hmp, this was on the PC you are describing? Where are you from?

If you have received an ad, then probably is not an issue, probably is the number of advertisers and/or the number of active campains. Also ads depend on your browsing habbits (similar when you search amazon for something and you began to see ads of it everywhere).

You can see active campains here: https://brave.com/transparency/

Also, receiving few ads is normal, sometimes i receive 20, other days only 3, other none, etc. Is normal, that how the system works.

Any way, this month, like someone has already commented here, several users have been reporting that they hadn’t received any ad since the last payout (and pressumely since last update), i call this the month issue XD.

Said that, the report is already running and the developers are working on it, so the only thing you can do is wait (if it´s your case).

I mention this just to inform you. A tip i can give you, if you are very, very desperate (and you are experiencing the month issue) is to download nightly version, some user recommended that, since i have a windows pc with the month issue i tried it and surprisingly some ads began to pop. So propably the error is in the actual stable version.

do you happen to know if i have 2 Brave browser windows open would that cause an issue. I havent come across any info about that. I use my computer with 2 windows open most of the time. I have the 2 times now that i have received an ad i only had 1 window open maybe that was the issue

AFAIK having miltiple windows doesn’t matter since they all are related to a main process. But well that is what i know.

I’ve the same problem, I’m from Mexico.

Yo también soy de México. Prueba la versión nightly si estas muy desesperado por anuncios (claro, si tu situación se ajusta con el problema del mes), un usuario comento qué en la versión estable no estaban llegando pero en esa si, y lo comprobé.

En fin, te recomiendo pasar por la FAQ antes de levantar conclusiones.

Jajajaja que irónico, antes ni anuncios en pintura queríamos y ahora lloramos por ellos.

Justo acabo de descargarla… y me están llegando anuncios jajaja
Ahora que tengo la versión nightly quise probar el sync, pero no me aparecen vinculados el celular y el navegador. Y ahora en el celular me dejaron de aparecer anuncios… y me indica que tengo 0 en el mes, cuando antes tenía +100. ¿Has sabido algo de esto?

Me acabo de dar cuenta que existe la versión nightly para celular y ambos están correctamente vinculados. Probaré este formato, esperando solucione los problemas. ¡Gracias!

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