I am no longer receiving ads

bat on the top almost 0.40$ and no ads receive…like a hazard

Since July 16, I have not received any ads on my windows computer. The remaining 8 bats of the current balance have not been paid. :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:

Yeah, it’s really crazy. After the installation and the secure verification of my identity, the browser has then been used for over a month. Suddenly the ads stopped and I don’t get any information about it. Why? I feel like someone has fished my data and once they got it, there was no reason to give any further advantage to me. I feel really sad about this and standart FAQ hints are not helping me to feel better. But anyways, the advantages of the Browser let me stick with it. It is handsome save and secure. So thanks for this Brave!


I’d noticed no ads on the comps I have installed on. The weird thing is a 4th comp I have it on but haven’t linked it to my wallet hasn’t stopped giving ads.

I mentioned in another post that turning off rewards to clear the ad history doesn’t clear the history. My estimated never changed after the last payout.

Have you noticed the bulk of the problems is with the reward system. The amount of time you have to spend dealing with reward issues is ridiculous.

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Yup. That’s why I think Brave is really shady with all this BAT stuff. I’m about to just uninstall and go back to Opera or something.

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Yes! You are absolutely right! they technically fished data from all over the world and now they’re gone once they have got it. It is hard to believe that a browser probably planned the biggest sc@m in history. It was a data collecting sc@m

Hey brave, what are you doing with our data? selling it to China??? someone should file a lawsuit against them

I haven’t any ads in at least 2 weeks.

My browser thats not linked to my uphold wallet is still getting ads. The 3 comps that are linked nothing for the last few days…still can’t clear ad history and when you try it disconnects your uphold wallet. Something is broken for sure.

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I also hope our data is still safe. Every beginning is difficult, but I also think they need more sponsors to make more money. : cold_face: So let’s just give them more time to deal with it.

Guess ya new to Brave.

Sure i am. But also i’ve noticed that the support team has to deal with a lot of stuff and they are not so many. So why not be confident?

Almost the whole of August I did not receive any ads, but since the 28th they have started popping up again. Interestingly the period of no ads coincided with the steep increase in value of BATs.

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