How to use the same Brave Rewards on multiple computers

After using Brave on my desktop and loving it, I’ve decided to install it on my laptop. However, how do I share the same Brave Wallet so I don’t have to start from zero again?

I’m not sure if this is an issue to be reproduced.

Version 1.11.104 Chromium: 84.0.4147.105 (Official Build) (64-bit)

P.S: I also wanted to sync but heard it has been removed from the latest version except syncing bookmarks :(. Will we get a full sync back one day?

Thanks all!

Use your recovery phrase and put it on your laptop brave wallet. It maybe innacurate at the begining with estimated earnings but afther some ads it should update correctly.

If you verified through uphold, you can sign in to your uphold account on both.

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