How to: One wallet across multiple browsers on different computers?

I want the ad payments I get to be consolidated to one wallet whether I’m using my desktop or laptop.

Do I wait for Brave Sync to mature further?

Will I run into problems if I restore a primary wallet using the 24 word key across different Brave browsers in the meantime?


I suggest you wait for that feature to be implemented into sync

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Certainly have to agree. Segmented BAT tokens across my numerous computers (and each computers tree of operating systems) gets a little hectic. Is there a plan for a single source or truth, via ‘User Sync’, having a personal ecosystem with keeping in tact the user’s data and privacy? … I know there is a ‘way’, I guess the better question is: Is it on the map, and has a priority & timeline be created?

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OK, at the moment, there’s no automatic sync via the sync function…

But can I use the same wallet via the restore in different Browsers on different Computers or will I run in trouble? This questions was not answered…

I’m wondering the same thing. I have a macbook for work and a pc at home. Can anyone else assist?

I have the same question … I use Brave on 3 computers which all are set to sync. But, 3 separate wallets?

From what I’ve experienced, but I’ve only done it once…
Once you do this, the computer on which you’ve restored the wallet receives the funds and keeps receiving new BAT while the previous one just stops receiving BAT even if ads appear. The estimated earnings gets stuck.
It seems there can only be one instance of the same wallet at the moment. And they consider the previous instance to be unused.

Sync does not include wallet at the moment. It just includes bookmarks…
I run Brave on 4 different computers and I unfortunately have 4 different wallets.

I’d love to have a unique wallet for all my instances… Finger crossed

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Hi, don’t use rewards or a wallet, but;
As far as I know, you can make a backup of the wallet. You then play it on the next computer.

If this works, you can do it like this until the sync update.

I am using Brave Browser on three different Notebooks/Systems…
On two of them, I recovered my Seed from the first Notebook.

I get adds on every System and they are worth BAT!
So far so good…
But on 5th every Month, I can collect my earned BAT. The Problem is now: I can only collect on one System. The BAT are going to my Wallet on the System where I collected the BAT. But on the other two Systems, I cant collect the BAT, cause Brave sais, I already collected my BAT. (Thats correct for System 1) But the Problem is, the earned BAT on System 2 and System 3 are gone… Just gone… I tried this two month. So I was watching adds on two of the three Systems for free.

So back to three different wallets:
But then I have a question: Can i withdrawal all three wallets to one address?

Thanks for your Response!

Interesting behaviour…

I’m guessing the idea of having the same wallet across browsers is a way to collect rewards on the same one (given that it was not possible to transfer BAT outside of them in early versions of Brave).

Starting with Brave version 0.69, though, you should be able to link your Brave wallet to Uphold and transfer money in/out. I believe linking multiple wallets should work as well.

My 2p.

hmm. seems like there is still work to be done to link multiple ad rewards wallets with a single uphold account. I’ve verified the 3 ad rewards wallets across 3 browser instances on separate machines. Uphold has so far only displayed the BAT amount associated with the ad rewards wallet that was verified first.

Perhaps it’s because Brave wants to sync a single ad rewards wallet across all user devices, this being the single wallet that will be / can be linked with uphold. Or perhaps Uphold was not anticipating multiple ad rewards wallets being linked to a single uphold account.

@discodisco - you can have (and being paid by) 3 multiple wallets (browsers) now

@Mattches - back to the topic above, any chance that the limit will be increased to 4? to cover all 4 versions of brave? I have all of them running on one system (not to cheat the ads system but its fine for quick check pages in several different versions of chromium)


Interesting, thanks for the link!


The 3 verified wallet limit seems poorly thought out or hopefully just a temporary stop-gap solution even if in the future I am able to unlink browser instances. It limits future self-organisation/scalability on the BAT platform.

e.g. What if I want to share the same wallet endpoint with my family? Among all of us, there are more than 3 desktop/mobile browser instances. What if a business employs 20 people, pays for their devices, and would like for the collective attention earnings to be reported on the balance sheet?

I look forward to see the system evolve.

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