How to sort bookmarks alphabetically

I would like to sort my bookmarks alphabetically, but I am unable to do so within Brave. Prior to posting this, I reviewed multiple posts with the same request for help. Unfortunately, these posts did not garner a reply.

Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.


Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Additional Information:

Description of the issue:
i would like to sort my bbookmarks alphabetically, but this option does not seem to exist.
How can this issue be reproduced?
Try to sort your bookmkarks

Expected result:
Bookmarks would be listed by name, alphabetically.

If desktop, open bookmarks manager, click the 3 vertical dots icon in the grey box, and Sort by name. This is the only sort citeria available… On android, you can only move individual bookmarks… so sorting will only be manual…


Thank you so much, Megaspaz (ha)

Fine, except that sort doesn’t work very well. If you have a folder open, nothing below that folder sorts.

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