How to configure Brave UI, tabs

Can you explain me how to configure Brave UI to make it look and work more similar to FF in regards to tabs?

  • how to prevent Brave from opening a new window when I start dragging the tab?
    I need instead to be able to drag the tab inside the window so I can attach it to bookmarks toolbar.

  • how to prevent tabs from shrinking down to icons when I have too many open and have a list instead I can drag?

Dragging a tab will always detach it from the window — note that if you move it back up into the tab ribbon it will re-attach in the place that it’s dropped. If you want to drag it onto the bookmarks toolbar, instead of dragging the tab itself, try dragging the URL into the toolbar, as shown below:

AFAIK, this is not possible at this time. Once the max width of the browser window is reached, tab sizes will shrink to accommodate.


Regarding to “how to prevent tabs from shrinking down to icons when I have too many open”, try this:

Go to brave://flags/
On “Search” field type “scrollabe tabstrip.”
Or go directly to brave://flags/#scrollable-tabstrip
Select the option “tabs don’t shrink” or whatever suits you.
Relaunch Brave.


Well that’s awesome — I didn’t realize that flag had such an option. Super useful info — just tested it myself and seems to work well. Note that, as with most flags, there may be some unexpected consequences/issues that come along with enabling the flag but so far it seems to be working just fine. Should suit OPs needs nicely.

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  1. Dragging tabs to bookmarks bar: just drag the icon on the left of URL bar (without highlighting address) to bookmarks bar or folder.

  1. To prevent tabs from shrinking, open brave://flags/, search for tabs, in Tab Scrolling choose tabs shrink to large witdth; Relaunch.
    An arrow will appear to scroll between tabs.


You can call me the “Chromium Flags Sage.”
Most of the time they have worked very smoothly. I truly recommend to any chromium-based browser user to learn about them.

I forgot this: go to brave://flags/#scrollable-tabstrip-buttons, enable this flag and relaunch. Next time you have a bing chunk of tabs you will see a couple of directional bottoms on the right edge of the window (they look like “<” and “>”).

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