How many brave rewards account can I link with my Zebpay account?

Briefly describe your issue:

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (v1.62.165 (Feb 14, 2024))

Who is your verified custodian? (Zebpay)

Are you in a supported region? (Yes. Zebpay)

How many brave rewards account can I link with my Zebpay account? I have linked it with my browser in pc and two of my android devices but I didn’t receive rewards from my PC and another mobile device.

Please submit your issue here:

Thank you

No official limit to amount of devices, though there’s some common sense to that. If you suddenly link to like 30-100+ devices, that is going to be flagged by antifraud. Keep in mind that Rewards is intended for casual use and it’s expected we are looking at ads. If someone is just going “spammu” and trying to use things to farm BAT and aren’t paying attention to ads, then you’re going to have problems.

Then you’ll need to do as Evan123 mentioned and create a Rewards Support Ticket at so they can look into it for you. If there’s an issue that can be resolved, they will do so. If your account has been flagged/suspended, then antifraud will take a look and make a determination as to whether they will reinstate your account. Regardless, support ticket will be the only way to get definitive answers.

Hi! I am a new brave user. I installed it on Android, Laptop and Desktop, connected all to Zebpay.
Although, I have two profiles on Desktop (Windows 11) i.e. Admin and Local user. I use both profiles, mostly local. Brave was fresh installed on admin profile which makes it available on local profile as well. When I enabled brave rewards on local user profile, instead of continuing with an already created brave rewards account on admin, it created new one.

Should I stop using brave rewards on either one of the profile? Since both brave rewards account linked to Zebpay on same device, will it result in my account getting flagged?

Thank you for your time and advice.

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