How do we get Brave to allow self signed certs for localhost? Required for web devs

How do we get Brave to allow self signed certs for localhost? This is an absolute requirement for web developers. I noted several questions along the same lines not answered and auto-closed so I thought I’d try a different tack.

I’m developing Umbraco web sites on Linux MInt with the DotNet 7 SDK installed. So this has it’s own site cert.

Please could someone answer with either how this is done or any helpful advice.


Hello @Craig100

not sure if you tried this or not

it for chrome but still valid for brave even the link can be used as chrome or replace it with that

brave://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost both will work

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Thanks but that didn’t work. When clicking on a link in the IDE (Rider) for https://localhost:44342 I still end up with …

you welcome

did you tried to add the security certificate here brave://settings/security ?

did you tried any other solution from the stackoverflow link above

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