How do I verify my Brave wallet in Android using Gemini?

Description of the issue:
I cannot verify my Brave wallet on My Android (Nokia 6.1 Plus - Android 10) using Gemini. Everyone knows that Gemini has been a partener with Brave for a while now, but it doesn’t seem I can verify my wallet on android except for using Uphold (which I could not because of the 4 device limit).

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Download Brave Browser from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open it and click on the brave triangle (top right) and then verify wallet.
  3. Brave redirects you to “Verifying is Optional” and then when you continue, directly to Uphold with no option to choose Gemini.

Expected result:
Option to choose either Uphold or Gemini
Brave Version( check About Brave):
Brave 1.29.81, Chromium 93.0.4577.82
Mobile Device details
Nokia 6.1 Plus, Android 10
Additional Information:
Nope, that’s it.


You can’t at the moment. Gemini isn’t available for mobile yet. Won’t be for at least a couple months.


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